Free Guitar Preset | Amplitube 4 - Guitar Rig 5 - Guitar Rig 6 - Line 6 Helix Native


Free Guitar Preset | Amplitube 4 - Guitar Rig 5 - Guitar Rig 6 - Line 6 Helix Native

On this page I share my guitar presets from various software that I use for recording, online teaching, and practicing. I only share guitar presets from three software, there are Amplitube, Guitar Rig, and Helix Native. You can make a request by send a comment below this post. Please do not ask me for a cracked software, cracked softwares are illegal, better if you buy the legal version on the official page. To make sure that I do not share viruses or malwares, the download links are protected by safelink.

Notes : Differences in results can be affected by differences in guitar character, player tone color, and other indicators, so you can adjust the presets by yourself. You can follow the instruction below (I'm using Bahasa, I'll update the english version ASAP).

Amplitube 4 Presets

Vinai T - Amen (Preset) - Download Here
Glossy Jet City Amp - Download Here
Hi Gain Soldano - Download Here
Mesa Boogie Dual Rect - Download Here 

Guitar Rig 5 Presets
Acoustic Stereoview - Download Here 
Bass Ass - Download Here 
Bogner Stereobar - Download Here 
Day Dreaming - Download Here 
JM800 Dirty - Download Here
Screaming Soldano - Download Here
Twin Rvb - Download Here
Vox Amp Boosted - Download Here

Guitar Rig 6 Presets
Basic Twang Reverb Custom  - Download Here New!
Peter's Shimmer  - Download Here New!

Helix Native Presets

Ambience 1 - Download Here
Brit Amp 1 - Download Here
Djentelman - Download Here
Fender Twin Reverb - Download Here
Hi Gain Soldano - Download Here
OR Amp - Download Here
Peter Modern Amp - Download Here
Screaming British - Download Here